Arts Advocacy 2023 Press Release

Arts champions gather in Sacramento to urge CA lawmakers to protect cultural funding, invest in creative workers and build a creative future. Sacramento, CA - On Tuesday, April 18, arts champions from around the state will meet in Capitol park for a rally and press conference for Arts Advocacy Day and to celebrate Arts, Culture & Creativity Month (ACCM).

Featured speakers include Speaker of the Assembly Anthony Rendon, Senator Anthony Portantino, Assemblymember Tasha Boerner Horvath and Mayor Darrel Steinberg who will present a City proclamation, with more to be confirmed. There will also be performances by Alex Yue, 2023 California Poetry Out Loud state champion and a Sacramento resident, Eastern Ways performing a Lion Dance, and drumming by Brian Jackson Jr. and Quincia Lynn. The rally will cover statewide advocacy wins for the arts, such as Prop 28, CA Creative Corps, Cultural Districts, CA Creative Workforce Act, and more.

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Guest User
ACCM 2023 Press Release

Arts Champions call on CA to Make a smART investment NOW To ensure the future of CA is Creative April Brings California’s 5th Annual Celebration of Arts, Culture & Creativity Month Sacramento, CA - Californians for the Arts is pleased to announce the fifth annual Arts, Culture, & Creativity Month (ACCM). A statewide celebration to uplift the intrinsic value of arts, culture, and creativity as not only a public good – transforming communities and individuals, but also as a driver of prosperity for the California state economy. As the California budget has changed from unprecedented opportunities for funding to a projected $25 billion and growing deficit, several arts funded programs have been proposed to be cut by Governor Newsom from the state budget including $20 million for cultural districts and $29.5 million for museum grants. “As a vital yet underutilized workforce that has long been undercapitalized, we must continue to share that arts are a part of the solution and a smart investment for CA. Arts are not the place to cut funding. We urge the Legislature to focus on allocations that build local economies, bring social cohesion, cultural equity and impact through creative practices,“ says Julie Baker, CEO of Californians for the Arts.

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Californians for the Arts announces the launch of CalPayArt, a nonprofit paymaster program designed to support small nonprofit performing arts organizations.

Californians for the Arts is pleased to announce the launch of CalPayArt, a mission driven nonprofit paymaster service program, specifically designed to support payroll compliance and aggregate lower insurance and unemployment coverage costs for small nonprofit performing arts organizations in California. All qualified applicants will be accepted, and custom solutions will be designed for each participant’s unique circumstances by program administrators at Austin Creative Alliance, who have over a decade of experience providing this service to small arts nonprofits in twenty-eight states. The service is now available for interested parties to sign up and access the benefits of a nonprofit paymaster. 

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Eduardo Robles
Local nonprofit arts organizations gather to discuss the challenges of filling venue seats

Many businesses were affected by the economic downturn spurred by COVID lockdowns and social-distancing mandates. Especially hard hit were local performing arts organizations including theater, dance and music.

“The nonprofit performing arts sector is facing an existential crisis like never before,” said Julie Baker, CEO of Californians for the Arts. “During COVID, we were the first to close and the last to reopen.”

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Guest User
CA Governor signs 2023-24 Budget - Arts and culture funding remains stagnant; advocates warn a crisis looms for California’s performing arts sector

On June 27, 2023 Governor Gavin Newsom signed the $310 Billion dollar 23-24 budget with Senate Bill 101. While the headlines captured the challenge to balance a $30 billion dollar budget deficit to protect funding for social services and education and negotiations related to infrastructure and clean energy, the arts were largely overlooked in the discussion.

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Eduardo Robles
Californians for the Arts launches Winter 2022 Regional Conversations

Connect regionally on statewide initiatives. Each event features updates on cultural policy, arts advocacy, and funding opportunities, as well as a chance to listen and connect with local artists, creatives, and cultural leaders.

Sacramento, CA– Californians for the Arts, the nonprofit statewide advocacy organization for arts, culture and creativity is excited to launch Winter 2022 Regional Conversations to take place in November and December 2022.

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Eduardo Robles
Governor Newsom signs 2022-2023 CA Budget – New investments for Arts & Culture - But urgency remains to fund Creative Workforce Development

Between 2019 and 2020, California’s Creative industries lost 100,000 jobs. CAA argues that it is imperative the state of California invest in programs to support earn and learn opportunities. “Meanwhile, we look forward to working with the Newsom Administration and California Legislature to ensure California maintains its position as the leading creative state by investing in building an equitable workforce pipeline for thriving wage jobs in the creative industry. Artists, culture bearers and creative workers are at the heart of every community. It is time we elevate our support for their contributions to the health and vitality of the golden state by investing in this innovative workforce,” states Victoria Hamilton, Board President of California Arts Advocates (CAA).

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Eduardo Robles
Governor Gavin Newsom Accepts CFTA's 2022 Arts Champion Award

CFTA is proud to present the 2022 Arts Champion Award to Governor Gavin Newsom for increased investments to the arts and cultural field for four consecutive budget cycles, including an historic $600 million in 2021-22. The Arts Champion Award recognizes individuals who valorize the strength of arts, culture, and creativity to connect and unify; innovate and drive community prosperity and well-being. California arts champions believe in creativity as a driver to find solutions to social and economic problems, and further see it as a public value. Read more.

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Eduardo Robles
California Arts Advocates responds to Governor Newsom’s proposed 22-23 Budget

In his fourth year as Governor, it is clear Gavin Newsom is a friend to the arts. In every budget, Newsom has included new and increased investments in California’s arts, culture and creative industries. On January 10, Newsom introduced his 2022-23 budget proposal to the Legislature and it included over $80 million in new funding for arts and culture initiatives. Specifically, his budget proposal includes a one-time general fund of $30 million to the California Arts Council (CAC) to be spent over three years for Cultural Districts existing 14 pilot districts as well as program expansion. And, $50 million one-time General Fund for the California Department of Parks and Recreation to create new California Cultural and Art Installations in the Parks Program for state and local parks and $173,000 ongoing General Fund to the CAC to support the California Poet Laureate and California Youth Poet Laureate and other literary programs in all 58 California Counties. Read more.

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Eduardo Robles
California Implements Nation-Leading Vaccine Verification Measure for Large Events

“We are pleased to see the Newsom Administration take proactive steps to support the arts and live events industries to keep audiences, performers and workers safe as we continue to battle the spread of COVID. The arts have always led with safety first and it is imperative that for every community’s economic, social, and emotional recovery, we must do everything we can to allow for secure gatherings.”

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Kathy Dotson
Governor Newsom Signs 2021-2022 Budget to include historic investments in arts, culture and live events industries

“At Californians for the Arts, educating the field to be effective advocates and learning about policies that impact their work is part of our mission.” says CFTA Board President Ron P. Muriera. “It is critical that this momentum continues and we encourage folks who work in the arts to join us as we continue to build awareness of the impact of our sector to California’s recovery.”

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Jade Elyssa Rivera
Arts Coalitions Call for $1 Billion Investment

A broad coalition representing arts workers, cultural institutions, nonprofit organizations, museums, and independent venues are calling on Governor Newsom and the California State Legislature for an unprecedented $1 billion investment in the arts, culture and creative economy. The brand-new coalition represents the first time that for-profit, non-profit, cultural organizations and arts workers have raised their voices together for the collective arts, culture and creative economies in California.

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Jade Elyssa Rivera
ACCM Press Release 2021

This April, organizations and individuals across the state will gather to celebrate and raise awareness for Arts, Culture and Creativity Month (ACCM). Now in its third year, ACCM was declared by the California Senate in a concurrent resolution to recognize and celebrate the significant impact the arts have in California. The month-long campaign, led by Californians for the Arts (CFTA), encourages all Californians to join the movement to bring public awareness of the value and impact the arts have our communities and state, and features multiple opportunities to participate through trainings, storytelling, public action and online events such as Advocacy Week April 19-April 23 and the ACCM Virtual Convening on April 27.

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Jade Elyssa Rivera
Governor Newsom’s proposed budget includes first time funding for a CA Creative Corps – the first of its kind in the nation

The budget dedicates $25 million for a small cultural institution grant program for museums and theaters, and a $15 million to the California Arts Council (CAC), for a statewide pilot program - California Creative Corps - which will fuel positivity, regain public trust, and inspire safe and healthy behavior across California’s diverse populations through media, outreach, and an engagement campaign. This funding will require a dollar-for-dollar match to receive funding. Governor Newsom’s budget proposal also maintains existing funding levels for the CAC’s ongoing programs to remain at $26 million.

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Jade Elyssa Rivera
Reopen Arts Safely Task Force Urges Newsom Administration to Activate and Employ Creative Industries in Service to Public Health

“People need a safe outlet and bars or private gatherings are clearly not the answer,” says Sarah Weber, task force member and Executive Director, Association of California Symphony Orchestras, “In order for the arts to provide that vital service, the state must act on its promise to issue performance guidelines. We are creative,” she adds, “we can figure this out.”

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Jade Elyssa Rivera