Video Library
Below is a library of our digital programming and grants workshop webinars.
Join CalNonprofits for their annual Policy Symposium for an inspiring look at some of the most creative advocacy efforts they’ve come across, as well as a dive into their own year-long campaign to improve the way the state contracts with its nonprofit partners. It will feature nonprofit leaders, government representatives who understand and champion nonprofits, and other expert panelists who will discuss innovative and actionable strategies you can use in building a more resilient and equitable future. What’s more, we’ll officially welcome CalNonprofits’ new CEO, offer our farewell to Jan Masaoka, and hear a keynote from the Attorney General office’s new nonprofit lead, Elizabeth Kim.
Californians for the Arts, Theatre Bay Area and Austin Creative Alliance are partnering to present an informational webinar covering the California Performing Arts Paymaster (CalPayArt) program. Californians for the Arts has secured a state grant through the California Arts Council to build a nonprofit paymaster service for small theaters, symphonies, ballets, operas, chorales, dance companies, music organizations and other performing arts organizations throughout the state of California.
Californians for the Arts, Dance Resource Center and Austin Creative Alliance are partnering to present an informational webinar covering the California Performing Arts Paymaster (CalPayArt) program. Californians for the Arts has secured a state grant through the California Arts Council to build a nonprofit paymaster service for small theaters, symphonies, ballets, operas, chorales, dance companies, music organizations and other performing arts organizations throughout the state of California.
Californians for the Arts, American Association of California Symphony (ACSO) and Austin Creative Alliance are partnering to present an informational webinar covering the California Performing Arts Paymaster (CalPayArt) program. Californians for the Arts has secured a state grant through the California Arts Council to build a nonprofit paymaster service for small theaters, symphonies, ballets, operas, chorales, dance companies, music organizations and other performing arts organizations throughout the state of California.
Join Californians for the Arts & California Arts Advocates CEO Julie Baker, CAA Lobbyist Jason Schmelzer, and Senator Anthony Portantino to learn what happened in 2023 during the Legislative session that impacts arts and culture and a preview of what to expect in 2024. Free, 90 minutes, q/a
Californians for the Arts, Cal Nonprofits (California Association for Nonprofits) and Austin Creative Alliance are partnering to present an informational webinar covering the California Performing Arts Paymaster (CalPayArt) program. Californians for the Arts has secured a state grant through the California Arts Council to build a nonprofit paymaster service for small theaters, symphonies, ballets, operas, chorales, dance companies, music organizations and other performing arts organizations throughout the state of California.
Californians for the Arts, American Federation of Musicians Local and Austin Creative Alliance are partnering to present an informational webinar covering the California Performing Arts Paymaster (CalPayArt) program. Californians for the Arts has secured a state grant through the California Arts Council to build a nonprofit paymaster service for small theaters, symphonies, ballets, operas, chorales, dance companies, music organizations and other performing arts organizations throughout the state of California.
Californians for the Arts, Theatre Producers of Southern California (TPSCA) and Austin Creative Alliance are partnering to present an informational webinar covering the California Performing Arts Paymaster (CalPayArt) program. Californians for the Arts has secured a state grant through the California Arts Council to build a nonprofit paymaster service for small theaters, symphonies, ballets, operas, chorales, dance companies, music organizations and other performing arts organizations throughout the state of California.
Join Californians for the Arts & California Arts Advocates CEO Julie Baker and other special guests and learn what happened in 2023 during the Legislative session that impacts arts and culture and a preview of what to expect in 2024. Free, 90 minutes, q/a.
TPSCA, Arts for LA, and the LA County Department of Arts and Culture are hosting an event in collaboration with Californians for the Arts, as part of their statewide convenings, to discuss the state of the nonprofit performing arts sector in California. The program will bring together organization leaders and arts advocates to discuss the current crisis, provide background on how we got here, and highlight how public policies, resources, and philanthropy can move us forward to a more sustainable and equitable future. The program will include a presentation by CVL Economics on the Center Stage study commissioned by TPSCA, AEA, and AFLA with support from Californians for the Arts. Other highlights include, the introduction of the CA Nonprofit Paymaster Program, recent legislative efforts including SB1116, and upcoming advocacy opportunities.
Partners: Theatre Producers of Southern California, Arts For LA, Los Angeles County Department of Arts and Culture, CVL Economics and The Colony Theatre.
Californians for the Arts, in partnership with local organizations, is holding four convenings to discuss the state of the nonprofit performing arts in California. In San Francisco we are working with Theatre Bay Area. Bringing together organization leaders and artists to discuss the current crisis, provide background on how we got here, what the current situation is including a recent data report, and how through public policies and resources, philanthropy and innovative business models we can move forward to a more sustainable and equitable future. Highlights of the program include a presentation on a recent report by CVL Economics on the state of California nonprofit performing arts, the introduction of the CA Nonprofit Paymaster Program, recent legislative efforts including SB1116, the advocacy needed to build awareness, and a panel discussion with local leaders on new approaches and resources needed to sustain live nonprofit performing arts in California.
Partners: Theatre Bay Area and ODC Theater
Californians for the Arts, in partnership with local organizations, is holding four convenings to discuss the state of the nonprofit performing arts in California. In Sacramento we are working with The City of Sacramento Office of Arts and Culture, Latino Center for Arts and Culture, and Celebration Arts. Bringing together organization leaders and artists to discuss the current crisis, provide background on how we got here, what the current situation is including a recent data report, and how through public policies and resources, philanthropy and innovative business models we can move forward to a more sustainable and equitable future. Highlights of the program include a presentation on a recent report by CVL Economics on the state of California nonprofit performing arts, the introduction of the CA Nonprofit Paymaster Program, recent legislative efforts including SB1116, the advocacy needed to build awareness, and a panel discussion with local leaders on new approaches and resources needed to sustain live nonprofit performing arts in California.
Partners: City of Sacramento Office of Arts and Culture and Celebration Arts.
Californians for the Arts, in partnership with local organizations, is holding four convenings to discuss the state of the nonprofit performing arts in California. In San Diego we are working with SDRACC (San Diego Arts and Culture Coalition) and The Old Globe. Bringing together organization leaders and artists to discuss the current crisis, provide background on how we got here, what the current situation is including a recent data report, and how through public policies and resources, philanthropy and innovative business models we can move forward to a more sustainable and equitable future. Highlights of the program include a presentation on a recent report by CVL Economics on the state of California nonprofit performing arts, the introduction of the CA Nonprofit Paymaster Program, recent legislative efforts including SB1116, the advocacy needed to build awareness, and a panel discussion with local leaders on new approaches and resources needed to sustain live nonprofit performing arts in California.
Partners: SDRACC (San Diego Regional Arts and Culture Coalition) and The Old Globe.
Come on Out. Connect. Collaborate! Join us in San Francisco when the National Arts Marketing, Development and Ticketing Conference convenes for a uniquely collaborative event. Californians for the Arts will present very important session titled " The Changing Face of Arts Advocacy: What is Different Going Forward Into a New Reality?"
Advocacy Day will kick off with a 9am rally and press conference and then we’ll organize into groups with the talking points and resources you need to have effective (and fun) meetings with your state representatives.
It's time to kick up your heels and celebrate our collective work. Mingle with artists, creatives, advocates, arts professionals, public administrators, and all arts & culture lovers at Party for the Arts! There will be a DJ will be spinning a curated selection of music on vinyl. There will also be artistic performances, special guests, drinks, desserts, and plenty of dancing!
Together again in Sacramento to celebrate, innovate and advocate for arts education, arts workers and the creative economy.
The City of Berkeley is partnering with Californians for the Arts and the Alameda County Arts Commission to present a recognition of Arts, Culture and Creativity Month of April in Berkeley at a press conference held at Berkeley Repertory Theatre on April 6, 2023.
Round 2 of the CA Venues Grant will be opening December 19 and applications will be accepted through January 31. Round 2 will be for organizations that were not funded in the first round and will utilize the expanded eligibility criteria that was passed in June. We will hold a series of informational webinars to bring you up to date on the new eligibility criteria.
Round 2 of the CA Venues Grant will be opening December 19 and applications will be accepted through January 31. Round 2 will be for organizations that were not funded in the first round and will utilize the expanded eligibility criteria that was passed in June. We will hold a series of informational webinars to bring you up to date on the new eligibility criteria.
Round 2 of the CA Venues Grant will be opening December 19 and applications will be accepted through January 31. Round 2 will be for organizations that were not funded in the first round and will utilize the expanded eligibility criteria that was passed in June. We will hold a series of informational webinars to bring you up to date on the new eligibility criteria.
Round 2 of the CA Venues Grant will be opening December 19 and applications will be accepted through January 31. Round 2 will be for organizations that were not funded in the first round and will utilize the expanded eligibility criteria that was passed in June. We will hold a series of informational webinars to bring you up to date on the new eligibility criteria.
Round 2 of the CA Venues Grant will be opening December 19 and applications will be accepted through January 31. Round 2 will be for organizations that were not funded in the first round and will utilize the expanded eligibility criteria that was passed in June. We will hold a series of informational webinars to bring you up to date on the new eligibility criteria.
Round 2 of the CA Venues Grant will be opening December 19 and applications will be accepted through January 31. Round 2 will be for organizations that were not funded in the first round and will utilize the expanded eligibility criteria that was passed in June. We will hold a series of informational webinars to bring you up to date on the new eligibility criteria.
Round 2 of the CA Venues Grant will be opening December 19 and applications will be accepted through January 31. Round 2 will be for organizations that were not funded in the first round and will utilize the expanded eligibility criteria that was passed in June. We will hold a series of informational webinars to bring you up to date on the new eligibility criteria.
Join forces with your region on Zoom to get updates on arts policies and funding opportunities, learn about local initiatives and share your priorities with us.
Join us in Redding or on Zoom to get updates on arts policies and funding opportunities, learn about local initiatives and share your priorities with us.
Join us in Eureka or on Zoom to get updates on arts policies and funding opportunities, learn about local initiatives and share your priorities with us.