News on current legislation and funding for the arts in California.
Table of Contents:
Budget News
Click this link to understand the CA Budget process and your role in it!
In January, the Governor makes his first budget proposal. In May, the Governor announces a revised budget. During the legislative session, lawmakers also introduce budget proposals for consideration.
California’s annual budget process is subject to a constitutional requirement that the budget be passed by the legislature by June 15th of each year. If legislators fail to meet that deadline, they lose their pay until a budget is passed. The Governor then has until early July to sign it.
In order for arts funding to increase, we must let the administration and legislature know that investment is needed and arts and culture should be prioritized.
State Legislative News
In 2020, February 21 was the deadline for all new bills to be introduced. August 21, 2020 is the last day to amend bills on the floor. By September 30 the Governor veto or signs all new legislation. January 1, 2021 statutes take effect.
Californians for the Arts reviews and tracks legislation that may have impact on the arts and culture sector. In this section, you will learn about the bills we are tracking and where we are in our process of reviewing for support or consideration.
Federal Legislative News
See our dedicated AB-5 page for up-to-date
AB-5 news, tools & resources and advocacy efforts.
Previous News
Call to Action from Americans for the Arts:
Support FY 2020 Pro-Art Appropriations
Last week, the U.S. Senate passed their version of the Interior Appropriations bill by an overwhelmingly bipartisan vote of 84 - 9, that included $2 million in increased funding for the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) and the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH)! You may recall that the U.S. House bill, approved earlier this summer, provided a $12.5 million increase in funding to those agencies.
The Senate Appropriations Committee needs to hear from you now about your support for robust federal arts funding and how it supports your community and state.
As negotiations are ongoing to finish up FY 2020 funding, it is vital to call on U.S. Senate appropriators to include these remaining pro-arts funding levels in the final legislation.
This includes:
Education bill—includes arts education grant funds and a provision calling for maintaining a federal "report card" in arts educationDefense Department bill—includes language supporting creative arts therapies for service membersVeterans Department bill—includes language supporting creative arts therapies and $5 million for veteransJustice Department bill—includes a provision supporting inclusion of arts-specific intervention strategies for juvenile justice programs
Please take two minutes to send your message to your U.S. Senators. Thank you for taking action to support these end-of-year funding priorities.
Attention Artists, Creative & Culture Workers
We are tracking AB 5 the Bill that would codify the Dynamex decision and that presumes a worker is an employee unless a hiring entity satisfies a three-factor test, and exempts from the test certain insurance occupations, physicians, securities broker-dealers, and direct salespersons. (current exemptions)
If the Bill is passed, it would codify into the law that a person providing labor or services for remuneration shall be considered an employee unless the hiring entity satisfies all of the following conditions:
a) The person is free from the control and direction of the hiring entity in connection with the performance of the work, both under the contract for the performance of the work and in fact.
b) The person performs work that is outside the usual course of the hiring entity’s business.
C) The person is customarily engaged in an independently established trade, occupation, or business of the same nature as that involved in the work performed.
The b portion of the test is the major amendment that could impact artists and the arts industries.
If you currently identify as a self employed, contract worker but feel that under this new law you would no longer fit into this criteria, please send us any information on why it is of benefit to you to remain an independent contractor, why this could threaten your livelihood in order for us to build the case on why artists, creative and culture workers should be exempt from this decision.
Please email to
Posted April 8, 2019
Support Resolution SCR 33
Please show your support for SCR 33, a Senate concurrent resolution introduced by Sen Ben Allen and co-authored by Assemblymember Kansen Chu to designate April as Arts, Culture & Creativity Month.
"Arts are not only an impressive and important agent for economic development, but also impact societal issues that include health, corrections, housing, immigration, veterans, transportation and education. It is imperative for all children and youth in the state to have access to arts education in their schools.
California is the fifth largest economy in the world, with a creative economy totaling $407.1 billion in 2017. California employs a higher number of people in creative industries, such as architecture, entertainment, fashion, media, and publishing, than any other state in the nation, according to the 2018 Otis Report on the Creative Economy of California.
In a state as diverse as California, the arts serve to give voice to our many communities, spark individual creativity, foster empathy and understanding, spur civic engagement, and serve as a continual source of personal enrichment, inspiration, and growth.
State support for the arts, arts education, and cultural institutions is crucial in order to achieve equitable access to the arts throughout California."
Email support letters to:
Senator Ben Allen, c/o
and Assemblymember Kansen Chu c/o Dana Mitchell
Sample Letter:
We want to express our support for SCR 33 designating April as Arts, Culture & Creativity Month. We believe California is The State of the Arts and with resolutions such as SCR 33 we will truly be known as the leading state of creativity.
Posted March 26, 2019
Increase NEA Funding
On March 18, President Trump released his FY 2020 budget recommending the elimination of the National Endowments for the Arts and the Humanities and other cultural agencies. This is the third time the president's budget has recommended elimination of the agencies…
Will you contact your member of Congress today to urge them to reject the president's proposal?
Congress not only dismissed these initial calls for termination, but in fact gave steady increases in funding to several cultural agencies. Check out a brief history of budgetary proposals and final funding for these agencies for the past three years below:
Saving the cultural agencies happened because thousands of arts advocates made their voices heard on Capitol Hill. Use this easy tool to take a few minutes to contact your member of Congress now! Also, be sure to check out Americans for the Arts President and CEO Robert L. Lynch's statement regarding the president's budget proposal.
Source: Americans for the Arts – Posted March 21, 2019
Support legislature for permanent funding for California Arts Council
We are grateful to Governor Newsom for his proposed budget increase of $10 million in permanent funding for the California Arts Council but the legislature needs to hear from you that this is meaningful and should be supported. Please ask your representative to vote for this increase. Tweet or email your support today!
Posted March 21, 2019
Express your support for Senator Henry Stern’s Youth Poet Laureate Bill
California Youth Poet Laureate Bill, authored by Senator Henry Stern, would enact similar provisions as California Poet Laureate, establishing the position of California Youth Poet Laureate. The bill would authorize the Governor to appoint an individual from among 3 nominees 13 to 19 years of age, inclusive, garnered by the Arts Council.
Please show your support today and email to
Sample email:
Dear Senator Stern: Thank you for your work to advance the arts and arts education in California. We want to express our support for the Youth Poet Laureate Bill SB748. What a wonderful expression of hope and empowerment for our youth and for the advancement of the arts to have a statewide representative for poetry. We believe California is The State of the Arts and with programs like this we will truly be known as the leading state of creativity.
Posted March 21, 2019
Click for a larger view. Please RSVP today.
We need you to show up for the Arts
Why are the arts the first thing to be cut when priorities shift or the economy weakens? We need to make sure our legislators know how important and impactful the arts are to our lives, our communities, our children, our state and our economy.
Please RSVP for Arts Advocacy Day today.
We will assign you a delegation so you can visit legislators in the afternoon. If you cannot attend one of our advocacy trainings before the 23rd, we will provide you with facts to share and a brief training in the morning. Come be inspired and share your arts impact story.
We will assign you a delegation so you can visit legislators in the afternoon. If you cannot attend one of our advocacy trainings before the 23rd, we will provide you with facts to share and a brief training in the morning. Come be inspired and share your arts impact story.
Need a hotel for the night of April 22 in Sacramento? Special hotel rates available for Arts, Culture & Creativity Advocacy Day attendees! Make your reservations.
April is Arts, Culture & Creativity Month in California! There are many ways to get involved! See how you and your community can participate.
Posted March 21, 2019