Governor Newsom signs 2022-2023 CA Budget – New investments for Arts & Culture - But urgency remains to fund Creative Workforce Development
Press Release
Contact: Eduardo Robles
Manager of Communications
Californians for the Arts
July 7, 2022
For Immediate Release
Governor Newsom signs 2022-2023 CA Budget – New investments for Arts & Culture – But urgency remains to fund Creative Workforce Development
When Governor Newsom signed the FY 22-23 $307 billion California Budget on July 1, 2022, key investments were included for arts and culture including: $30 million for the California Cultural Districts Program, $25 million for the California Cultural and Art Installations in the Parks Program through Parks and Recreation, and over $120 million in local arts and culture investments. Big wins for the arts also include additional investments in relief funds for cultural institutions and expanding and clarifying eligibility for CA Venues grant program through California Office of Small Business.
“We are delighted that the CA 22-23 Budget package includes new investments in arts and culture for vital programs such as lifting up community cultural districts and art installations in parks. We also celebrate the $120 million investment in thirty one districts across the state. We are however disappointed that the $307 billion budget does not include specific investments in laws such as SB 628 (Allen) that mandate creative workforce development as a state priority,” stated Victoria Hamilton, Board President of California Arts Advocates (CAA), California’s comprehensive lobbying organization for the arts, culture and creative industries and workforce.
Between 2019 and 2020, California’s Creative industries lost 100,000 jobs. CAA argues that it is imperative the state of California invest in programs to support earn and learn opportunities. “We look forward to working with the Newsom Administration and California Legislature to ensure California maintains its position as the leading creative state by investing in building an equitable workforce pipeline for thriving wage jobs in the creative industry. Artists, culture bearers and creative workers are at the heart of every community. It is time we elevate our support for their contributions to the health and vitality of the golden state by investing in this innovative workforce,” adds Julie Baker, CEO, California Arts Advocates/Californians for the Arts.
During the budget season, Californians for the Arts (CFTA), CAA’s partner nonprofit organization that focuses on building public awareness and advocates for arts and culture, steadfastly organized the field, collecting over thousands of signatures in support of funding for the CA Creative Workforce Act while CAA testified at numerous budget and committee hearings and worked to directly influence the Legislature and Administration to advocate for to increase public investment in arts and culture.
“We encourage all Californians to join us as we continue to build awareness of the positive social and economic impact of our sector to the economy and the continued need for sustained investment in arts, culture and the creative industry and workforce,” states Eduardo Robles, Field Engagement Manager for CFTA.
To learn more about what’s in the budget for arts, culture, and the creative industries, sign up up to our Action Alerts at: