Posts tagged State
Early Data on State's Economic Downturn Shows Arts Among Greatest Impacted Sectors

new assessment of data from the Public Policy Institute of California released yesterday offers new insights into the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the state’s economy and unemployment rate.

The numbers show the highest rate of job loss in California in the arts, entertainment and recreation industries during the first three months of the public health emergency. Workers in the initially affected industries are also more likely to be women, Latinx, and young adults.

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Getty Trust Launches $10 Million Covid-19 Relief Fund

The J. Paul Getty Trust is setting up a $10 million COVID-19 relief fund to aid small and midsize arts organizations in Los Angeles County. The institution told the Los Angeles Times that it hastened to work on relief efforts in mid-March, days after it announced the closure of both the Getty Center and the Getty Villa because of the novel coronavirus, which has infected more than 9,800 people in California as of Thursday afternoon.

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H.R. 6201 – Families First Coronavirus Response Act

On March 18, 2020 President Trump signed the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (“FFCRA”). The FFCRA contains several separate Acts, including Acts to expand family and medical leave and guarantee emergency paid sick leave for employees who work for public and private employers. Certain employees are now entitled to paid family and medical leave and emergency paid sick leave. While employers are obligated to pay for such leave, the FFCRA creates payroll tax credits that covered employers can take advantage of later.

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El 18 de marzo, 2020, el Presidente Trump firmó la ley “Familias Primero – Acta de Respuesta al Coronavirus” (conocida en inglés como “Families First Coronavirus Response Act” o por sus iniciales “FFCRA”).  La FFCRA contiene varias Actas separadas, incluyendo Actas para ampliar la ley de permisos familiares y médicos y para garantizar permisos para ausentarse con compensación por razones urgentes de enfermedad para empleados quienes trabajan para empleadores públicos y privados. 

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