California is The State of the Arts and should be known as the Leading State of Creativity
Starting in 2019, April will officially be Arts, Culture and Creativity Month in the state of California.
We need the public investment to make this a reality for all Californians!
Let's connect, advocate and mobilize our efforts to advance the arts across the state. Want to get involved? Check out our Ways to Engage guide. Want to attend an advocacy training? Register today and we will alert you when there is one coming to your community or sign up for a webinar. Got a compelling video or narrative about your public arts program? Share your “Arts impact story”? Don’t have the time to participate but want to support the efforts to make our case to legislators about the value and impact of the arts? Donate to ACCM today.
What are we advocating for?
• Support Governor’s Newsom permanent funding increase of $10 million in the 2019 budget
• Recommend continued increased and permanent funding for the arts
• Value arts and culture as creative solutions to pressing societal issues
• Ensure all students have access to arts education and the ed code is enforced
• Support programs that provide for well rounded early childhood resources and to include arts & creativity
• Show our support for the Youth Poet Laureate pending legislation
• Build upon existing legislation for California’s Cultural Districts Program
How are we going to do it?
• Educate our representatives about the public arts programs that benefit Californians
• Share our arts impact stories
• Connect, advocate and mobilize
• Build our case and show our strength
Join us on April 23 for Arts, Culture & Creativity Advocacy Day at the Capitol in Sacramento as part of the month long celebration of Arts, Culture & Creativity Month!
Let's connect, advocate and mobilize our efforts to advance the arts across the state. We will have a month full of events leading up to the Advocacy Day.
9:00 am - Land recognition and indigenous blessing by Native American artist Stan Padilla. Welcome from Senator Ben Allen and Assemblymember Kansen Chu
9:30 am - Noon Gather, network, performances and speeches
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm: Lunch
1:00 pm - 5:00 pm: Afternoon visits to legislator offices
5:00 pm - 7:00 pm: Reception
Schedule may be subject to change.
Reception Space is limited, please RSVP to accm@californiansforthearts.org
See event for details. | Share the Event on facebook | Register to Participate | Become a Sponsor