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POSTPONED: ACCM 2020 - Special Webinar

Dear Arts Advocates,

As the webinar was developed to address arts advocacy before the public health crisis due to COVID 19 (Coronavirus), we feel it is best to postpone the March 18 webinar. As the State and Federal Governments respond and develop emergency relief packages in this unprecedented moment in history,  Californians for the Arts and California Arts Advocates, in collaboration with Americans for the Arts, CalNonprofits and other organizations, are working on strategies and policy recommendations to best support individual artists, freelance workers and non-profit arts and culture organizations. 

In the meantime, we encourage you to visit our website section dedicated to COVID 19 and the arts. There you will find two important surveys (State and Federal) to address the impact of COVID 19 on the arts sector as well as a letter-writing campaign to Governor Newsom to urge the administration and lawmakers to include artists and arts organizations in relief and economic stimulus packages. We also encourage you to follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for up to date resources and information as this develops. We will announce a new webinar shortly.

We send you best wishes for your health and safety. We know how impactful the creative economy is to our state and we need to preserve this sector for the future. We also know that Californians will need the benefits the arts bring even more than ever before as artists will be at the frontlines of bringing hope and healing to our communities across California.

In advocacy,
Californians for the Arts