Guranteed Income Pilot — YBCA

Apply by April 15, 2021 at 11:59pm PT.

To support artists living and working in the City of San Francisco during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, The Office of Racial Equity at the San Francisco Human Rights Commission, the Arts Impact Endowment—co-funded by the San Francisco Arts Commission (SFAC) and Grants for the Arts—and YBCA have come together to launch the Guaranteed Income Pilot for the City of San Francisco.

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Live music and theater in L.A. will happen outdoors in summer. But it won’t be easy

Many arts organizations said business as usual will not return for months — perhaps years. Institutions that have outdoor areas are intent on making use of that space, while groups that don’t are focused on securing an outdoor site. Large venues that would lose money operating at reduced capacity are instead mostly planning online shows for summer while hoping for a brighter, less distanced fall.

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APPLICATION WINDOW EXTENDED TO MARCH 26 5PM: CA Relief Grant Program for Cultural Institutions

The application window has been extended to March 26th, 2021 at 5:00 pm. There is no revenue cap in this round. Beginning March 31, Round 4 notification of awards will be announced. To apply and learn more, please visit our CA Relief Grants webpage.

Collectively, with your voice and our lobbying, we advocated to the state for funding specifically for our sector and on Feb 23, SB 87 was signed into law approving $50 million in funding for nonprofit cultural institutions. It is critical the field knows about this funding opportunity and takes advantage of it.

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National Endowment for the Arts to Receive Funds from American Rescue Plan to Help Save Organizations and Jobs in the Arts Sector

The Arts Endowment is moving quickly to develop guidelines and application materials for the competitive funding process. The goal is to craft a process which factors in important issues such as equity and access and which will benefit as many nonprofit arts organizations as possible.

At this time, the agency anticipates releasing the guidelines by late April.

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Grants for Nonprofit Cultural Institutions Opens Soon

The recently signed package provides $2.075 billion – a four-fold increase to that initial $500 million – for grants up to $25,000 for small businesses impacted by the pandemic. The new package also includes a $50 million allocation for non-profit cultural institutions. Four competitive funding rounds will be conducted by CalOSBA’s selected intermediary, Lendistry.

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Contact Congress Today: American Rescue Plan Provides New COVID-19 Relief

Congress has passed the American Rescue Plan, a new $1.9 trillion package of COVID-19 relief. On March 6, the Senate passed the package, which was then passed by the House on Wednesday, March 10 and will soon be signed into law by President Biden. The League's COVID-19 Federal Assistance Resources will guide you through the current status of each relief program and will be updated as federal agencies issue more detailed guidance on each of the newly-passed provisions.

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ActJade Elyssa Rivera
Senate Passes American Rescue Plan with Arts Support

Now that the Senate passed their version of the American Rescue Plan, it needs to go back to the U.S. House of Representatives for a vote on the identical bill. House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-MD) quickly announced that, “On Tuesday, the House will consider the Senate's amended version of the American Rescue Plan, so that we can send this bill to President Biden for his signature.” Target date for enactment is before March 14, 2021.

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