As municipal officials begin to allow small groups of people to gather in public even while the fight against COVID-19 continues, there is a tremendous need for guidance how small events and venues can reopen as safely as possible under these incredibly challenging circumstances.
Read MoreAimed at helping arts and cultural organizations consider key questions and variables as they plan for reopening and a post-COVID-19 future, this report estimates the pandemic’s effect on the nonprofit arts sector and identifies three critical propositions and four prompting questions for consideration.
Read MoreTheatres of all sizes have been forced to keep their doors closed indefinitely, leaving a significant portion of their workforce cut off from their incomes. The theatre community has been left in critical condition. But as makers of art have become makers of masks, retooling their skill sets in other ways to meet the immediate needs, the affirmations that theatre and life will one day return to the way it was permeate media and private conversations. But should it go back?
Read MoreThe American Alliance of Museums recommends that museums build flexible plans for reopening that are regularly reviewed and refined based on the latest science. This guidance is based on the best available information as of publication and is not intended to supersede guidance from public health officials, medical experts, and federal/state/local governments. Museums are encouraged to seek legal and other expert advice on their specific circumstances. Below are some thoughts for reopening.
Read MoreEach neighborhood, city, or region includes an ecosystem of various kinds of anchor institutions such as colleges and universities, hospitals, community foundations, and other entities which are ”rooted in place.” Arts and culture organizations too can take on the mantle of anchor institutions.
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