Homeless Voices by Kirti Bassendine

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My name is Kirti Bassendine and I am a fine art photographer and storyteller. I recently had an exhibition at Gilroy Arts Center called "Homeless Voices" about our homeless community. It's about dispelling the myths around homelessness and creating awareness and compassion.

It received positive media coverage in local papers, and KSBW Action News 8 channels so used my open reception exhibit to launch their new series "Project Community " they did a great job and I was lucky as they selected my exhibit from hundreds around the South Bay Area. The assembly member from 30th district Robert Rivas, who came to the opening reception was really moved by the stories and really and was really wanted to show it at the State Capital. Unfortunately we have been told that the Capital no longer allows any Arts works inside the building!.

This exhibit has already created such an impact, public awareness and given a voice, name and compelling stories to the homeless people. It's about giving dignity and respect back to these human beings that are going through hardships and need a second chance to have their stories heard.

Please see my website www.kirtibassendine.com to see my work and vision for the project.

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