Healing Circle Artworks – Mary Curtis Ratcliff
submitted by Mary Curtis Ratcliff, Mary Curtis Ratcliff
based in Berkeley, Alameda County
In the past few weeks, I have produced a 5-minute Healing Circle Artworks video for patients and hospital workers – doctors, nurses and support staff – to help relieve stress and restore inner balance.
Here is the link: https://youtu.be/aUmzg6vRoX8
It is posted to You Tube under a creative commons license to makes it accessible and sharable—potentially embeddable in hospital wellness pages. It can be used in “oasis rooms” or simply at staff workstations. I’m hoping it can be of benefit and help with our resiliency in this time of stress. I have already heard from hospitals in New York, Utah, and California that the video is in circulation for their staff. But it applies to anyone under stress in these difficult times. In that spirit, feel free to share it widely yourselves!
You are welcome to contact me at marycurtisratcliff@gmail.com with feedback or any questions.